Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What I know Today

Be yourself, be who you are, do what you can, a part of a Teddy Roosevelt quote.
Even though my days havent gotten any better, I had so much fun at palma ceia today.

It funny how my physical shape doesnt seem important to me anymore. When you are balancing your bills and other scary looming issues, the workouts dont seem important. I truly am the FAT TRAINER, I was scared to become.

What am I greatful for? class today, people were so nice. Thanks.


  1. Since I was one of those at PC today, what a nice thing for you to say! Do you know I look forward to classes with provide not only a great physical workout but FUN while you do it! If your class wasn't there, I would be making another excuse about how busy I am...instead, I love going to work out. Not many people can say that! KEEP IT UP! Theresa

  2. hey this is jayson from gmail how are you doing? i am thankful for people being caring to others
