Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Everyone who knows me, knows I cant pass a person on the side of the road, at a stop light or anywhere who is holding a sign that they are homeless etc, without giving them something.

I just cant pass them by. I realize that many people say that they are just making money or they need to get a job but when I drive or walk by those people I always wonder, how did they get here? Since I was a kid, I always assumed that there is good in most people and that in this case they really have a need greater than mine.

In the last few years I have been very limited from actually giving. I have not been good about giving to my church or to anyone, however, I still will not walk by someone who needs a dollar without stopping and giving them something.

This morning outside my grocery store, there was an older gentlemen asking for money, his sign was that he was recently homeless and looking for work. Well, I didnt care if his story was true, I simply stopped and gave him a dollar and my coins.

You may ask why? The REAL REASON is, I hope that if I am ever in that place, alone, homeless or forgotten, that someone will stop and at least show me respect and kindness. I wouldnt want your money, but I would at least want you to walk by and not assume I am bad or lazy for being out here asking for help.

Sometimes you just have to help without asking why.

I am greatful for that man today reminding me to be thankful for what I do have.

Thank you.

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