Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Giving Up!

Ever thought about giving up?

In the last 2 years there have been so many times that I have wondered if life would ever get better or even back to what used to be normal. I never wanted to accept that this was the new normal. Even as more and more personal problems were presented to me and I felt more and more alone, I wonder why I didnt give up.

I wonder today why I didnt give up. Dont get me wrong me there we many days and times when I thought whats the use or why bother. On those day I would often go and volunteer or look around and still realize that there were people in the world who had bigger struggles or larger challenges.

As 2011 rolls on and I am still taking baby steps thru the process of getting back to normal. I have begun to understand, this might be part of the new normal. That life can be a struggle, that I may always have tremendous challenges and that I will make it no matter what.

On the days where I have felt the most alone and still feel that way often. That I am taking on all these hurdles by myself, I have to come understand that no matter what happens I am not going to give up and that I will triumph over all that is presented.

Today I am greatful for not giving up, greatful for still believing, believing in me!
What are you greatful for?


PS- dont forget when the blog was started that Greatful was misspelled on purpose, u can read earlier posts to find out why.

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