Thursday, December 3, 2009

4. Crazy, Lazy and Lucid

Well for official post number 4, I left at 6 am and got home at 10:10, this shutting everything down and wrapping up the old and starting with the new is exhausting.

I learned today that 5 bucks goes along way. I can do without Starbucks and bottled water as long as I have the right attitude. I have to say that I am so greatful for the kind emails I get on a daily basis and I am thankful for the fact that even though I cant do for others as I used to, there are still kind people out there who dont remember me as a person who would just gave to everyone but as a person who was kind to them when they needed it. Now, I just have to remember to treat myself better. With all the mistakes I have made and continue to make, I have to forgive myself and remember that I was able to create something great before so I can do it again.

And for those who wanna tear me down today and everyday, I choose to block you out right now at 10:15 and simply block you out for the next 8 hours until I have to deal with reality all over again.

I am greatful for short term memory loss, lol. What are you greatful for?


  1. I am Greatful for the freedom you'll have one day...and hopefully soon! Keep your Head bro, and remember what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

  2. thankful for life, might not be what I want, but it's okay.....
