One of those weeks where you just feel like everything is wrong and all the people in your life are to busy to listen. A week when you wake up in the morning and wonder what it is that you got to look forward to, especially when you turn the bathroom light on at 5am.
Well, I got an email on Monday and a few subsequent emails from someone that doesnt care for me in a the strongest terms. They believe they have reason to hate me, follow me, call me, track me down, continually email me and or talk bad about me. And even though I would love to sit down with the person and try to get them to talk about these feelings, I know that is never going to happen.
So, as the week has gone on and I have had to smile for clients and co-workers, I have come back around to the same conclusion I came to on May 3, 2010. My money is on me! Thats right, no matter what someone may think, feel or truly believe, I will not allow what someone thinks about me to define me or convince me that I am not
good. I have spent to many years helping and picking people up to start believing that anyone but GOD can judge me.
So, today my money is on me. I know who I am and I am greatful that only GOD can throw that stone at the glass house.
What are you greatful for?
BTW:Yes greatful is misspelled, you would have to go back to the beginning to see why!
This is a blog about my life, my past and The Comeback. In the last few years so many things have happened and everything has changed, that I decided to write about what is going on and share with you my most personal thoughts, failures and dreams. I hope that you will approach this with an open mind and lack of judgement. I alos hope we can lift each other up and talk about the small things in life we are greatful for.

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Say YES!
How many of us say NO to everything?
As time has gone on I have found myself saying NO to lots of things but mostly to the usual things I used to do. I dont wanna go out with friends often, I dont wanna workout to much, I dont wanna go to the old movie theater, I dont, I dont, I dont.
Even though I have convinced myself that because I dont look a certain way or feel the same way Id rather be home. It is simply because I am lazy and afraid that things wont be as much fun as they were before. I keep thinking that it will be 1999 again and I will wake up from 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008. But hell no that is not going to happen.
I often have clients who say NO, they dont wanna look silly in the gym or they are afraid to change their diet in the shame of impending failure. Well, I have come to a conclusion the last few months. I need to get out more, do more and get back to the land of the living. Stop loving my couch and all the safe things I do and just
do what I should be doing and need to be doing.
So I say to you, say YES! Try new things, meet new people, live life, get outside.
Today I am greatful to say YES!
What are you greatful for?
PS-if yiou dont know why its spelled greatful and grateful on my blog, you havent read older entries:)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Giving Up!
Ever thought about giving up?
In the last 2 years there have been so many times that I have wondered if life would ever get better or even back to what used to be normal. I never wanted to accept that this was the new normal. Even as more and more personal problems were presented to me and I felt more and more alone, I wonder why I didnt give up.
I wonder today why I didnt give up. Dont get me wrong me there we many days and times when I thought whats the use or why bother. On those day I would often go and volunteer or look around and still realize that there were people in the world who had bigger struggles or larger challenges.
As 2011 rolls on and I am still taking baby steps thru the process of getting back to normal. I have begun to understand, this might be part of the new normal. That life can be a struggle, that I may always have tremendous challenges and that I will make it no matter what.
On the days where I have felt the most alone and still feel that way often. That I am taking on all these hurdles by myself, I have to come understand that no matter what happens I am not going to give up and that I will triumph over all that is presented.
Today I am greatful for not giving up, greatful for still believing, believing in me!
What are you greatful for?
PS- dont forget when the blog was started that Greatful was misspelled on purpose, u can read earlier posts to find out why.
In the last 2 years there have been so many times that I have wondered if life would ever get better or even back to what used to be normal. I never wanted to accept that this was the new normal. Even as more and more personal problems were presented to me and I felt more and more alone, I wonder why I didnt give up.
I wonder today why I didnt give up. Dont get me wrong me there we many days and times when I thought whats the use or why bother. On those day I would often go and volunteer or look around and still realize that there were people in the world who had bigger struggles or larger challenges.
As 2011 rolls on and I am still taking baby steps thru the process of getting back to normal. I have begun to understand, this might be part of the new normal. That life can be a struggle, that I may always have tremendous challenges and that I will make it no matter what.
On the days where I have felt the most alone and still feel that way often. That I am taking on all these hurdles by myself, I have to come understand that no matter what happens I am not going to give up and that I will triumph over all that is presented.
Today I am greatful for not giving up, greatful for still believing, believing in me!
What are you greatful for?
PS- dont forget when the blog was started that Greatful was misspelled on purpose, u can read earlier posts to find out why.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Are You A Gossip?
Since I have been to hell and back the last couple of years I have come to realize that people really do love to gossip.
I believe that people love to be into other peoples lives becuase there is something missing in their own or because they are simply not nice people. I am talking about beyond lunch time chit chat, I am talking about all out, non stop broadcasting of your opinion on other people lives. Is this you?
Recently, like yesterday I was at the Kuhn Honda dealership and I ran into a big gossip about my life. Last week at the Hyde Park music fest I ran into several town gossips. What I find most interesting is that when the town gossip actually sees you and or has the opportunity to come over and ask you the real low down, they dont. They pretend not to see you. Well of course I have to go over and say hello and my new policy is to come right out and ask, is there anything you would like to know or anything I can clear up for you.
Because I will tell you exactly what it is, no filter and no bs. My life is an open book, I mean come on, have you not read this blog. So, next time you feel the need to gossip, go to the person you have targeted and ask them the news, that way you can make sure you are accurate.
God Bless!
I believe that people love to be into other peoples lives becuase there is something missing in their own or because they are simply not nice people. I am talking about beyond lunch time chit chat, I am talking about all out, non stop broadcasting of your opinion on other people lives. Is this you?
Recently, like yesterday I was at the Kuhn Honda dealership and I ran into a big gossip about my life. Last week at the Hyde Park music fest I ran into several town gossips. What I find most interesting is that when the town gossip actually sees you and or has the opportunity to come over and ask you the real low down, they dont. They pretend not to see you. Well of course I have to go over and say hello and my new policy is to come right out and ask, is there anything you would like to know or anything I can clear up for you.
Because I will tell you exactly what it is, no filter and no bs. My life is an open book, I mean come on, have you not read this blog. So, next time you feel the need to gossip, go to the person you have targeted and ask them the news, that way you can make sure you are accurate.
God Bless!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Drinking and Driving
Did you ever realize that almost all of us drink alcohol and drive???
Well heres something maybe you didnt know, that you can take a cab and not kill
someone of yourself. Yes, its true, take a cab when drunk and yellow cab is free.
Wow, isnt that better than, losing you license, your car, your job and your freedom!
I have to say that I am greatful that I have never gotten pulled over after happy hour, not that I drink often, but yes every once in a while your favorite personal trainer does like Bethanny frankels margarita..LOL.
Well I bring this tidbit to you because it is a big party weekend and I am attempting not drink, text or talk on my phone and drive. Basically I will be the person sitting on the side of the road, texting, phoning and being honked at.
Be greatful that you still have all your priveldges in life. I know that my freedom is very valuable and I am greatful that God has been with me when I have been careless.
God Bless.
What are you Greatful for?
Well heres something maybe you didnt know, that you can take a cab and not kill
someone of yourself. Yes, its true, take a cab when drunk and yellow cab is free.
Wow, isnt that better than, losing you license, your car, your job and your freedom!
I have to say that I am greatful that I have never gotten pulled over after happy hour, not that I drink often, but yes every once in a while your favorite personal trainer does like Bethanny frankels margarita..LOL.
Well I bring this tidbit to you because it is a big party weekend and I am attempting not drink, text or talk on my phone and drive. Basically I will be the person sitting on the side of the road, texting, phoning and being honked at.
Be greatful that you still have all your priveldges in life. I know that my freedom is very valuable and I am greatful that God has been with me when I have been careless.
God Bless.
What are you Greatful for?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Shop in Tampa
I dont know if you have ever heard of a place called The Shop in Tampa?
The shop is a cool place I went to this morning to help and volunteer. I got there around 8am and was amazed at what I saw. The shop is a small office where anyone in Tampa who is in need can wash their clothes, use the phone, go online and receive advice for different services in Tampa.
This morning when I pulled up around 8am, there were about 50 people ready with their laundry, ready to use the phone and check their email. While I was there I met a wonderful African American gentlemen who I sat down with and asked the questions I always ask.
How did you get here? He was super nice and said he was a professional welder who had not been able to find steady work, had been doing some work but not enough to keep him going. He had been to a 2 year school, had once had a family and now is partially dependent on the county for a little help.
The bottom line is that I have really enjoyed bringing you some of the stories of the homeless and underemployed these last few months and have really loved meeting amazing Americans that give a face to what is becoming frequent in America.
Lastly, I want to say that while I was there I overheard a phone a Latina mom was making to her 2 daughters and while she cried and told them to be strong, that she loved them, she kept telling them, Mama will be home soon, Mama will be home soon.
I dont know why she cant go home but I pray she gets there.
I am greatful for the opportunity to tell you about these people in America.
What are you greatful for?
The shop is a cool place I went to this morning to help and volunteer. I got there around 8am and was amazed at what I saw. The shop is a small office where anyone in Tampa who is in need can wash their clothes, use the phone, go online and receive advice for different services in Tampa.
This morning when I pulled up around 8am, there were about 50 people ready with their laundry, ready to use the phone and check their email. While I was there I met a wonderful African American gentlemen who I sat down with and asked the questions I always ask.
How did you get here? He was super nice and said he was a professional welder who had not been able to find steady work, had been doing some work but not enough to keep him going. He had been to a 2 year school, had once had a family and now is partially dependent on the county for a little help.
The bottom line is that I have really enjoyed bringing you some of the stories of the homeless and underemployed these last few months and have really loved meeting amazing Americans that give a face to what is becoming frequent in America.
Lastly, I want to say that while I was there I overheard a phone a Latina mom was making to her 2 daughters and while she cried and told them to be strong, that she loved them, she kept telling them, Mama will be home soon, Mama will be home soon.
I dont know why she cant go home but I pray she gets there.
I am greatful for the opportunity to tell you about these people in America.
What are you greatful for?
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sassy and Fat and God?
Mary Mary, today I ran into Mary at the gym. Slightly older, tall, good looking lady who I have gotten to know a little at the gym over the years. I had not seen her for over a year.
Well, I had not seen her because I wasnt there. She was, I wasnt. As she strolled in for her early morning weights and stretch class, she came over in her deep southern drawl and said hello and smiled and stopped to shoot the breeze. I told Mary that she looked great and she said she was fat and sassy. Of course she is like 5'9 and 120lbs, definitely not fat. But in her deep fried chicken drawl way she was being disarming and charming as usual.
Mary is also a deeply religious woman and as she was stopping to chat with me for 2 minutes. I was reminded of just how amazing it can be, when someone just comes over, says hello, asks how you are, where you have been and really means it. You see, fat and sassy and deeply religious all go together. Mary never has a bad word to say about anyone and she always smiles. I wonder how she got this way. But actually I dont, I know how. She has faith, she believes and she cares. Mary, should be all of us.
So today I vow to be little nicer and kinder, fatter and sassier and go up to someone and ask how they are, stop and listen and care. I am greatful for Mary.
What are you greatful for?
Well, I had not seen her because I wasnt there. She was, I wasnt. As she strolled in for her early morning weights and stretch class, she came over in her deep southern drawl and said hello and smiled and stopped to shoot the breeze. I told Mary that she looked great and she said she was fat and sassy. Of course she is like 5'9 and 120lbs, definitely not fat. But in her deep fried chicken drawl way she was being disarming and charming as usual.
Mary is also a deeply religious woman and as she was stopping to chat with me for 2 minutes. I was reminded of just how amazing it can be, when someone just comes over, says hello, asks how you are, where you have been and really means it. You see, fat and sassy and deeply religious all go together. Mary never has a bad word to say about anyone and she always smiles. I wonder how she got this way. But actually I dont, I know how. She has faith, she believes and she cares. Mary, should be all of us.
So today I vow to be little nicer and kinder, fatter and sassier and go up to someone and ask how they are, stop and listen and care. I am greatful for Mary.
What are you greatful for?
Monday, June 13, 2011
Do you still remember dreams you had when you were 18/20/25 years old?
I remember I was gonna conquer the the world, be the President, run a company, solve world
hunger. Well, that didnt happen. But I did try to be all those things and failed, but as
I look back, I am glad I tried.
Today, this Monday morning I vow to not give up on my dreams and try to make at least one of them a reality. No matter how many people tell you, you cant or it wont happen I believe that you need to dream to have hope. I also think that if you are still able to dream that
you will keep in touch with a part of your youth and not become bitter and jaded.
So today. Dream a bigger dream for yourself!
Love you!
I remember I was gonna conquer the the world, be the President, run a company, solve world
hunger. Well, that didnt happen. But I did try to be all those things and failed, but as
I look back, I am glad I tried.
Today, this Monday morning I vow to not give up on my dreams and try to make at least one of them a reality. No matter how many people tell you, you cant or it wont happen I believe that you need to dream to have hope. I also think that if you are still able to dream that
you will keep in touch with a part of your youth and not become bitter and jaded.
So today. Dream a bigger dream for yourself!
Love you!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Are You a YES Person?
Has this happened to you?
As I sit around whatever happened to certain ppl. I got to thinking about all the people and clients I used to have in my life. The more I thought about it, I understand that I was always a person that said yes.
Yes, I will work 2 jobs, yes I will train 7 days a week and teach 7 days. Yes I will go out Friday and Saturday night, teach Sat and Sun morn and get no sleep. All these times I never felt I could say no to anyone.
Now I look back and realize that I never said yes to myself. I never saved enough money or built my business or culitvated my friendships. I never had the time. I was always doing things I should have politely said no to. And even though this concept of NO still sounds selfish to me. I now see that since I never ever made time for just a few imporant things or people, when you look around, I am a man standing in a room on my own.
So, no time to look back. Today I say NO, I just cant do this or take that job or make that committment. I just cant. Today I wanna work on me and I have to be a little selfish.
I am greatful to say NO.
What are you greatful for?
As I sit around whatever happened to certain ppl. I got to thinking about all the people and clients I used to have in my life. The more I thought about it, I understand that I was always a person that said yes.
Yes, I will work 2 jobs, yes I will train 7 days a week and teach 7 days. Yes I will go out Friday and Saturday night, teach Sat and Sun morn and get no sleep. All these times I never felt I could say no to anyone.
Now I look back and realize that I never said yes to myself. I never saved enough money or built my business or culitvated my friendships. I never had the time. I was always doing things I should have politely said no to. And even though this concept of NO still sounds selfish to me. I now see that since I never ever made time for just a few imporant things or people, when you look around, I am a man standing in a room on my own.
So, no time to look back. Today I say NO, I just cant do this or take that job or make that committment. I just cant. Today I wanna work on me and I have to be a little selfish.
I am greatful to say NO.
What are you greatful for?
Friday, June 3, 2011
The Lady At McDonalds...
Well it is true, I wound up at Mcdonalds late yesterday. It was great as usual.
As I was sitting down at Mcdonalds I noticed this weird or bad smell and I looked around and I saw this lady sitting by herself with her chin in chest looking down, her bags next to her and she looked like a woman who had not slept, showered or had a meal in days. She also looked like she didnt have a friend.
As I was about to sit and eat, I got antsy, I couldn't sit, I started playing with my change in my pocket and I counted what I had, at this point I was pacing back and forth. The cash I had left was $3.78. Then I realized that I was pacing and I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. The I went over to her and she looked up, sad about 45 or 25 or 55 years old and half out of it. She was sun beaten and life beaten and she had those free cups of water that McDonalds gives you in front of her. I tapped her on her shoulder and she looked up, I gave her my $3.78 and grabbed her shoulder and told her, Im in this place, Ive seen it, Ive lived it, take this, I know you are hungry.
She looked at me and very quietly said thank you. I walked back to my table and realized why I was pacing before, I was pacing because I know ppl judge us who give to the homeless, people dont want you to simply give. Then I woke up and said, I dont care, this is my life. I dont know or care how she got here. Tonight this is what I feel like doing. She lives in the 24 hour Mcdonalds but today she is going to eat.
I do not write this with the desire for you to say to me, how this was nice of me. It was nice, but more importantly, it was just me. I have done the bad to people, the ugly, the good and the ignored. But Ive lived it and someone gave me a cup of coffee and I still remember that person as the person who stopped in a sea of people and said, this is who I am.
This is who I am, greatful to meet and pray for the lady at Mcdonalds. I dont know how she got there, I just hope she leaves to a better place.
What are you greatful for?
PS-What did I eat at McD's? Parfait and fruit salad with yogurt, it was the best.
As I was sitting down at Mcdonalds I noticed this weird or bad smell and I looked around and I saw this lady sitting by herself with her chin in chest looking down, her bags next to her and she looked like a woman who had not slept, showered or had a meal in days. She also looked like she didnt have a friend.
As I was about to sit and eat, I got antsy, I couldn't sit, I started playing with my change in my pocket and I counted what I had, at this point I was pacing back and forth. The cash I had left was $3.78. Then I realized that I was pacing and I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. The I went over to her and she looked up, sad about 45 or 25 or 55 years old and half out of it. She was sun beaten and life beaten and she had those free cups of water that McDonalds gives you in front of her. I tapped her on her shoulder and she looked up, I gave her my $3.78 and grabbed her shoulder and told her, Im in this place, Ive seen it, Ive lived it, take this, I know you are hungry.
She looked at me and very quietly said thank you. I walked back to my table and realized why I was pacing before, I was pacing because I know ppl judge us who give to the homeless, people dont want you to simply give. Then I woke up and said, I dont care, this is my life. I dont know or care how she got here. Tonight this is what I feel like doing. She lives in the 24 hour Mcdonalds but today she is going to eat.
I do not write this with the desire for you to say to me, how this was nice of me. It was nice, but more importantly, it was just me. I have done the bad to people, the ugly, the good and the ignored. But Ive lived it and someone gave me a cup of coffee and I still remember that person as the person who stopped in a sea of people and said, this is who I am.
This is who I am, greatful to meet and pray for the lady at Mcdonalds. I dont know how she got there, I just hope she leaves to a better place.
What are you greatful for?
PS-What did I eat at McD's? Parfait and fruit salad with yogurt, it was the best.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Well you have to forgive me.
I sometimes feel like we are punished over and over again for the mistakes we make.
I think we are often quick to judge and very slow to offer someone a helping hand. There are many people in the world who make mistakes who are good people. They
dont know how to handle the mistakes they made and they make it worse.
I think we should look at people and see them as the children they once were and wonder how did they get here? How did this happen to them? I think before we judge, we should say what can I do to offer a small bit of help.
I say tell them to forgive themselves and that you wish them well. That you are praying for them. I wish that in my tough times someone would have just said, let me buy you a cup of coffee. I would have been greatful for a cup of coffee.
What are you greatful for?
I sometimes feel like we are punished over and over again for the mistakes we make.
I think we are often quick to judge and very slow to offer someone a helping hand. There are many people in the world who make mistakes who are good people. They
dont know how to handle the mistakes they made and they make it worse.
I think we should look at people and see them as the children they once were and wonder how did they get here? How did this happen to them? I think before we judge, we should say what can I do to offer a small bit of help.
I say tell them to forgive themselves and that you wish them well. That you are praying for them. I wish that in my tough times someone would have just said, let me buy you a cup of coffee. I would have been greatful for a cup of coffee.
What are you greatful for?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Thankful for Me
Today I have to say I am thankful that I havent given up even during the tough times of the last few years. Many ppl have lost their jobs, homes, and some even their family.
Those all those people I say, lets try and find some happiness in everyday. I am greatful to be able to still have my health and my mind. My soul is intact and my desire to be greater, better, fitter, smarter, more productive has never changed.
My prayer woud be: That God allows only good and positive people to come into my life and that he continues to show me how to improve my life and my faith.
I am greatful for me today!
What are you greatful for?
Those all those people I say, lets try and find some happiness in everyday. I am greatful to be able to still have my health and my mind. My soul is intact and my desire to be greater, better, fitter, smarter, more productive has never changed.
My prayer woud be: That God allows only good and positive people to come into my life and that he continues to show me how to improve my life and my faith.
I am greatful for me today!
What are you greatful for?
Monday, May 23, 2011
The New Homeless
Recently I went to a clothing store sponsored by Metropolitan ministries to deliver clothes donated by an organization I volunteer for. As I pulled up at 7am, I was amazed at the people I saw outside.
There were young and old, well dressed and not, women, children, teens and men. There were people from all walks of life. As I was making my delivery I was fascinated by these people and I wanted to know how did they get here? Often we believe its of there own doing, often we judge people but what I found out that day was something I suspected to be the truth. The truth is there is a new homeless in our society.
As I stood outside waiting to get in, I asked a small group of people how did they get here? There was a woman here 20's, decently dressed with car keys, a black man with a bike and 2 teenagers. As we started talking, the woman said she lost here job 2 years ago and works part time to support her children but needs nicer clothes to go on job interviews. The teens said they became homeless when their parents lost their place to live and the other gentlemen said he was a war veteran who cant work but his retirement check doesn't cover clothes.
No matter how these people got there, I was amazed at peoples honesty, these individuals reminded me of my neighbors, of my friends, of me. There were over 50 people of all walks of life there that day, all looking for clothes to go on job interviews. That is the service the Ministries offers and how grateful those people are for any gift they can get.
I know that there is a thing happening in America, people lose their jobs and eventually lose everything. These are the new homeless. The statistics are that there are 10,000 new homeless in in Tampa bay the last decade and many are families.
I hope that we all have compassion and not judgement, for we never know how someone got where they are.
What I am greaful for? The ability to have compassion.
What are you greatful for?
There were young and old, well dressed and not, women, children, teens and men. There were people from all walks of life. As I was making my delivery I was fascinated by these people and I wanted to know how did they get here? Often we believe its of there own doing, often we judge people but what I found out that day was something I suspected to be the truth. The truth is there is a new homeless in our society.
As I stood outside waiting to get in, I asked a small group of people how did they get here? There was a woman here 20's, decently dressed with car keys, a black man with a bike and 2 teenagers. As we started talking, the woman said she lost here job 2 years ago and works part time to support her children but needs nicer clothes to go on job interviews. The teens said they became homeless when their parents lost their place to live and the other gentlemen said he was a war veteran who cant work but his retirement check doesn't cover clothes.
No matter how these people got there, I was amazed at peoples honesty, these individuals reminded me of my neighbors, of my friends, of me. There were over 50 people of all walks of life there that day, all looking for clothes to go on job interviews. That is the service the Ministries offers and how grateful those people are for any gift they can get.
I know that there is a thing happening in America, people lose their jobs and eventually lose everything. These are the new homeless. The statistics are that there are 10,000 new homeless in in Tampa bay the last decade and many are families.
I hope that we all have compassion and not judgement, for we never know how someone got where they are.
What I am greaful for? The ability to have compassion.
What are you greatful for?
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
What Does I Do Mean??????
Ok with the immediate and sad failure of a certain high profile marriage between a
exgovernor and his reporter wife. I wonder what I do means, does it mean, I do love you but I might cheat on you??
I have to say I have wondered what happens when we say I do. I do want to date you, I do want to marry you, I do want to sleep with you? Does it really mean, I do want to date you today but on Friday I might want to date you and a band of go go dancers? Does it mean I do want to marry you today but in 10 years I do want to sleep with the maid because she is married and is willing to get naked in the food pantry? Does it mean, I do want to sleep with you, but I do want to be able to fantasize about the escort I had sex with last week. HAHAHA.
I am personally greatful for all the times I said I do want to date you and then the person I was dating said I do want to sleep around and wreck this relationship. I can look back now and say, thank GOD that we said I dont. And I am thankful I said I do believe we will now have to stop seeing each other becuase I know that this behvior is never gonna change.
To Maria and everyone else I say, move on. There is someone out there that says,
"I do", and actually means, I do believe I am going to be a person of my word and not mess this up.
I am greatful for saying I dont, what are you greatful for?
exgovernor and his reporter wife. I wonder what I do means, does it mean, I do love you but I might cheat on you??
I have to say I have wondered what happens when we say I do. I do want to date you, I do want to marry you, I do want to sleep with you? Does it really mean, I do want to date you today but on Friday I might want to date you and a band of go go dancers? Does it mean I do want to marry you today but in 10 years I do want to sleep with the maid because she is married and is willing to get naked in the food pantry? Does it mean, I do want to sleep with you, but I do want to be able to fantasize about the escort I had sex with last week. HAHAHA.
I am personally greatful for all the times I said I do want to date you and then the person I was dating said I do want to sleep around and wreck this relationship. I can look back now and say, thank GOD that we said I dont. And I am thankful I said I do believe we will now have to stop seeing each other becuase I know that this behvior is never gonna change.
To Maria and everyone else I say, move on. There is someone out there that says,
"I do", and actually means, I do believe I am going to be a person of my word and not mess this up.
I am greatful for saying I dont, what are you greatful for?
Thursday, May 12, 2011
For the Love of Money
Ok its official, the love of money has never really worked out for me.
Today I promised myself I would not use more than $10 however the recent gas crisis and prices have derailed my new FISCAL RESPONSIBILTY PLAN 2011. Yes thats right I am on a plan to save save save and save with nothing, but Im going to do it. However, those $10 went into getting about 2 gallons of gas for my car doesnt understand the conept my my FISCAL PLAN.
So what is the lesson in all this. That you can have best laid plans and sometimes you have to evaluate and change them and adjust to the economy..LOL. My new plan today is to stop at the Citgo giving away free coffee and go there for coffee and not pay of coffee and the Mcdonalds. Yes that is part of my new money plan. What am I greatful for today? My ridiculous sense of humor.
What are you greatful for?
Today I promised myself I would not use more than $10 however the recent gas crisis and prices have derailed my new FISCAL RESPONSIBILTY PLAN 2011. Yes thats right I am on a plan to save save save and save with nothing, but Im going to do it. However, those $10 went into getting about 2 gallons of gas for my car doesnt understand the conept my my FISCAL PLAN.
So what is the lesson in all this. That you can have best laid plans and sometimes you have to evaluate and change them and adjust to the economy..LOL. My new plan today is to stop at the Citgo giving away free coffee and go there for coffee and not pay of coffee and the Mcdonalds. Yes that is part of my new money plan. What am I greatful for today? My ridiculous sense of humor.
What are you greatful for?
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mothers Day
Its Mothers Day and I wonder about all those mothers in the world who have lost their son or daughter. I cant imagine what it would be like to lose a child. I suppose there is a certain order to things and we get so side tracked when that order is shaken up.
I would hope that on a day like to day all those Mom's out there in the universe are able to achieve some semblence of happiness today through all the sadness and chaos. Through war, disease and other unspeakable events we lose our children and there doesnt seem anyway to console or make anyone feel better with such a bitter loss. But I hope and pray that today we all remember a Mom who has gone through this hell and is survinving. I know it takes a tremendous amount of faith and love to get through these kind of though times but I also know that with the of the people who are still in our lives we can get past any loss.
No I am not saying I have lost a child but we all have lost someone who we still miss tremendously so with that thought, I say a prayer today to all those Moms who are missing a loved one. God Bless.
What are you greatful for?
I would hope that on a day like to day all those Mom's out there in the universe are able to achieve some semblence of happiness today through all the sadness and chaos. Through war, disease and other unspeakable events we lose our children and there doesnt seem anyway to console or make anyone feel better with such a bitter loss. But I hope and pray that today we all remember a Mom who has gone through this hell and is survinving. I know it takes a tremendous amount of faith and love to get through these kind of though times but I also know that with the of the people who are still in our lives we can get past any loss.
No I am not saying I have lost a child but we all have lost someone who we still miss tremendously so with that thought, I say a prayer today to all those Moms who are missing a loved one. God Bless.
What are you greatful for?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Back to the Beginning
Well its been awhile since I wrote something here and I have had the chance to do alot of thinking during this time about what to write about. The conclusion I have come to is that I am simply going to write about the fact the I have my health. I may have nothing else but I have my health.
When I was younger I thought this was overrated but these days it is truly about simply being healthy. Being able to get up, go walk, workout etc. I am so greatful for being healthy and still having my mind, yes it sitll works tand with that I am looking for foward to being able to build in this simple miracle of feeling good.
What are you greatful for?
When I was younger I thought this was overrated but these days it is truly about simply being healthy. Being able to get up, go walk, workout etc. I am so greatful for being healthy and still having my mind, yes it sitll works tand with that I am looking for foward to being able to build in this simple miracle of feeling good.
What are you greatful for?
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